Homenews-and-eventsSuccess Story - Jessica

Success Story - Jessica

In 2011, a member was referred to the Intermountain Health Center (IHC) after being involved, for several years, with the Department of Child Safety (DCS); the member was referred for psychiatric treatment, care coordination, and counseling services. In addition, the member was referred to Community Partners Integrated Healthcare's (CPIH) Transitional Age Program to focus on securing housing for the member, prior to them turning 18 years of age. The member was immediately referred to the Community Partnership of Southern Arizona’s (CPSA) Supportive Housing Program, Sonrisa.

Currently, the member's treatment team consists of a DCS staff member, an IHC care coordinator, a CPIH Transition staff member, and the Sonrisa housing staff. The whole team is focused on ensuring that the member continues to receive mental health and primary care services while they transition to independent living. Upon transition the team will continue to provide education, employment, and housing supports. The member will graduate high school in May, 2021, with the goal of working and eventually becoming a veterinarian technician.

This success story demonstrates the strength, breadth, and capacity of Intermountain Centers' Continuum of Care. All three organizations, IHC, CPIH and CPSA are part of the Intermountain Centers family of organizations. This member is receiving the benefits of effective and quality care coordination. – Anonymous Staff Member